PlatinumLED Biomax Vs Block Blue Light Mega: Big Battle
In this review I compare the BioMax 900 from PlatinumLED with the Block Blue Light Powerpanel Mega 4.0
In this review I compare the BioMax 900 from PlatinumLED with the Block Blue Light Powerpanel Mega 4.0
Here's all you need to know, the pros and cons, from my Mito Red MitoPRO 1500+ review!
This is part two of my red light therapy dosing series - explaining why dosing is likely not 100% straightforward and complicated. I'll also give you useful tools such as trial and error to get your dosing right anyway
In this LightpathLED Torch review I'll show you the pros and cons of this really unique product. This is the first torch I've reviewed so far!
This Rojo Refine 3600 review covers all the pros and cons of this panel, as well as Alex Fergus' personal opinion. The panel looks amazing at first sight - here's what you need to know!
Here's the raw data from hundreds of studies on red light therapy dosing on topics such as bone health, red light therapy for the brain, oral health, pain, and much more!
Let’s explore the benefits of red light tanning beds. We show you how they differ from other tanning beds and suggest some alternatives...
In this blog post, I'll cover some of the most important supplements to be using together with red light therapy, for maximizing health benefits!
Here are the ins and outs of using red light therapy for COVID - such as the latest science, best treatment methods, and other tools you can use to reduce risk.