- 9 min read

Benefits Of Red Light Tanning Beds (+ Alternatives!)

Let’s explore the benefits of red light tanning beds. We show you how they differ from other tanning beds and suggest some alternatives...

Benefits Of Red Light Tanning Beds (+ Alternatives!)
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So, today I'll talk about the benefits of red light therapy "tanning beds". In reality, usually these aren't tanning beds but just beds that emit right light that don't tan you. I'll explain why that is the case later on.

I'll also answer questions such as "are red light tanning beds safe?", "what are good red light therapy tanning bed bulbs?", and "is red light therapy safe?" But let's start with the basics:

The Growing Popularity Of Red Light Tanning Beds In (Beauty) Salons

Red light therapy is going mainstream! You can't pass a week where there's another article about red light therapy on CNN, the New York Times, or in a female beauty magazine.

As a result, tons of different beauty salons have been using red light therapy products, too. And if you're a salon, you're more likely going to offer products that are already very familiar with the public.

So, red light therapy panels and masks may be less easy to understand as a concept than red light therapy tanning beds. The only difference here, is that you're not actually tanning due to the absence of ultraviolet light, but are only exposed to red and near-infrared light.

I know these terms are confusing.

But red light therapy beds are actually an easy sell. You just tell customers of a beauty salon that it's like a tanning bed, but without the ultraviolet light that can give sunburn, and only with red and near-infrared light that are health-promoting.

Customers will easily understand.

Also, red light therapy beds have the benefit of being very relaxing to use—if you ask users. Many people fall asleep during their sessions, for instance, and the sessions are highly energizing.

Beds also generally allow for a quicker treatment because you can expose every inch of your body to the red light. Quicker treatments mean quicker turnover, which in turn mean higher revenue for a business. But not everybody should be using red light therapy beds - especially if you're a regular consumer:

Red Light Tannings Bed Vs. Red Light Panels: What’s the Difference?

My good friend Alex Fergus made a video on this topic recently:

In that video Alex describes a few key difference between red light therapy bed vs red light therapy panels:

  • Size - a red light therapy bed will take up the size of a small room. A red light therapy panel, especially if you place it vertically against a wall, barely takes up any space. So panels have a big advantage in that area, because you can use them even in a small studio apartment. Also, red light therapy beds are big enough so that they'll take up the presence in an entire room - you'll generally see the thing. The bed can therefore not be placed in your living room, for instance, if you care about interior design, that is.
  • Multitasking - here we've got another win for red light therapy panels. When you're using a red light therapy panel, you can engage in other tasks such as checking your phone. The panel generally only treats one of the four sides of your body, so you're left free mostly. With a red light therapy bed, there's so much light that multitasking becomes impossible.
  • Product options - there simply aren't many different red light therapy beds right now, but ample of red light therapy panel options. If you're interested, check Alex Fergus' 2024 panel comparison series!
  • Shipping - here we have a huge win for panels. Panels are easy to ship, especially if you're considering tabletop panels. Red light therapy beds can be a huge pain in the ass to ship, depending on the bed. These beds can be 6-8 feet long, and 3 feet wide, and will need specialized shipping!
  • Price - here's another huge win for red light therapy panels. You can get a full body setup with panels for $4-5K USD. Red light therapy beds usually start at $25-30K USD, so the investment is significantly different. A smaller tabletop panel can be bought for under $1K, even, but only treats a tiny area of the human body. You can do multiple treatments with a budget red light therapy panel though.
  • Ease of use for clinics - beds win big time here, as they often contain far better cooling and are made to be used many times per day. Red light therapy panels for consumers are made to be used several times per day, but aren't made to be activated all the time.

If you'd like more info, on different options for clinics, then check out the interview below:

Do Red Light Beds Tan You?

Red light therapy beds don't tan you. There is an exception though, as many beds that are sold also contain ultraviolet light.

If a bed emits ultraviolet light, whether that's ultraviolet A or B, you'll get a tan in both cases. With only red light, or near infrared light, there won't be a tan, however.

The Pros And Cons Of Red Light Tanning Beds

The pro of red light therapy tanning bed is that it's ideal for a clinic. You can have people go into your bed for 20 minutes and then get the next client in there, after cleaning.

Most red light therapy panels aren't made for that dynamic. Also, the red light therapy beds offer a more relaxing, premium experience, compared to a panel, as there's generally less treatment time and people get into a parasympathetic state (rest and digest) part of the nervous system more easily.

The cons, as discussed earlier, is the price and the shipping process. Most people simply don't have $25-125K USD laying around for a red light therapy bed. For that reason, I recommend panels as the main option for most people.

Red light therapy panels work well and provide great results. Of course, a red light therapy bed is slightly better from a treatment time and relaxation perspective, but if you still can get 80-90% of the benefits of using a bed by using a panel, that's a great deal.

Even for clinics, I don't think it's obvious that a red light therapy bed is always better. As the panels take up far less space, theoretically you could treat more people over time with panels than beds.

Red Light Tanning Beds Vs. Other Tanning Beds

This topic is very complicated - as the red light therapy beds vs. other tanning beds simply depends on what wavelengths are used. So, with red and near infrared wavelengths, you'll get the benefits associated with these wavelengths.

Most commercial tanning beds, however, don't just emit ultraviolet light but also different colors of visible light. Examples here are blue and green light. And, most tanning beds rely on fluorescent lighting - not LEDs - to achieve their effect. These fluorescent light bulbs have specifically been created to emit light at certain wavelengths. The same is true, however, for red light beds.

To better understand the effects of different wavelengths, I recommend reading my guide on wavelengths. You may also want to consider my guides on:

So, just to make it clear, the wavelengths of light determine what biological effects a bed will have in your body. Each color of light - even the invisible ultraviolet and infrared light - have a unique wavelength.

With wavelengths, you can determine the unique effects. Blue light is helpful for acne and other skin conditions, as well as setting your circadian rhythm and fat loss. Red light has across-the-board benefits, as well as near-infrared light, such as energy production, cognition, workout recovery, and wellbeing. Amber light is great for eye health, fat loss, and more. Green light helps build muscle mass and aids fat loss too.

By combining many different colors, the therapy you choose gets its benefits. So, there's no simple answer here, regarding what tanning beds do - their effect depends on their wavelength!

Tanning Salon Red Light Therapy: Worth It?

So, next, up, you may question whether it's smart to visit a red light therapy tanning salon, to get your sessions in. Here, you'll generally pay $20 USD at the very least, and up to $100 USD per session in different areas.

Doing so for two treatments per week thus costs $160 USD at the very least, and as much as $800 USD. And, for that money you can buy your own panel.

Generally I therefore don't recommend visiting a salon, unless you want to observe whether the therapy works for you. So, get a few sessions in, check your results, and if they're good,

Should You Invest In A Red Light Bed?

Honestly, because of the price, most people shouldn't invest in a red light bed. You can get a great setup for a few thousand USD, and even just one panel can already completely change your health.

If you want to know more about red light therapy panels, check:

Here's Alex Fergus' comparison of the 17 best red light therapy panels on the market today.

If you don't want to spend much money, consider one of these affordable red light therapy panels. You've got options under $1,000 USD, $1,100 USD, and $1,200 USD!

You can also access red light therapy panels for different geographical areas here - to save on shipping and import taxes!

Conclusion: Whether Red Light Beds Are A Good Deal Depends On Your Situation

Just like there's no "perfect car" for everyone, there's no product in the red light therapy space that determines your best choice either.

Yes, budget is a huge influence here. If you simply cannot afford a bed but can afford a panel, and you want the benefits of red light therapy, the choice is very simple. Or, you could save money and buy a bed over time - but for most people that isn't even optimal.

Due to the price difference, I recommend most people buy a red light therapy panel. You'll also generally save space. Only if you're wealthy would I recommend getting a red light therapy bed.

Buying red light therapy is like buying a car: the first quality you'll look for is if the car actually works. The same is true for red light therapy, and given that you can get most benefits you have with a bed also with a panel, it's a no brainer to get a panel!

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, I'll answer a few frequently asked questions about red light therapy tanning bed benefits:

What Does A Red Light Bed Do For You?

Red light therapy beds have the same benefits as any other red light therapy product. If you want to know more, check out my blog about red light therapy benefits - which describes 36 distinct ones!

Red light therapy boosts energy production in your body and lowers oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a byproduct of energy production, and of poor lifestyle choices. Both mechanisms allow your cells to become healthier, and the increase in energy improves overall function.

As a result, you'll gain benefits for skin health, lowered disease risk, better mood, greater cognitive function, faster recovery after workouts, and more!

Is Red Light Tanning Bed Safe?

Red light tanning can be considered safe, but you'll need to use common sense. Each red light therapy tanning bed comes with instructions for the duration of use. If you overuse the bed, you can be tired or get other side effects.

Also, in some cases, there are contraindications for red light beds, such as cancer. Check the full list of potential side effects and contractindications if you want to learn more. With normal usage, red light therapy tanning beds should be safe.

And remember, if red light therapy beds only emit red and near-infrared light, they won't tan you!

Is a Red Light Tanning Bed Good for Sunburn?

I've actually described the topic in a previous blog post on red light therapy for sunburns, and both for prevention and countering existing sunburns there's decent evidence to back that claim up.

Anecdotally, we also know from people such as Alex Fergus that using red light therapy after a sunburn can almost stop it dead in its tracks. However, I will say that ideally, you'll never get a sunburn in the first place. Cover up before you get burned, or use natural sunscreen (such as zinc-oxide-based) to prevent sunburns from occurring. Sunburns aren't healthy!

How About Using A Red Light Therapy Tanning Bed For Acne?

Generally, red light therapy tanning beds for acne are okay. I've described that dynamic in my article on red light therapy for skin health and beauty. For the best results against acne, you'll want to get some exposure to blue light in your bed as well.

Although somewhat controversial, ultraviolet light also works extremly well for acne. But, don't overdose on the ultraviolet light because you'll get a sunburn. So for the best results, combine blue, red, and ultraviolet light to counter acne!

Do Red Light Therapy Tanning Bed For Skins Work?

Yes, as I've described in my article on red light therapy for skin health and beauty, there's a huge benefit of red light for skin. Examples here are more collagen and elastin.

If you'd like a much more detailed account, consider my blog on the red light therapy mask science. Many aspects of aging are countered, and beds will give you the same benefits as a mask will, but then for your entire body.

Can Red Light Therapy Cause Cancer?

I've written about this topic extensively in my blog about a full list of potential side effects and contractindications of red light therapy. If you've got existing cancer, clear red light therapy treatments with your physician first.

Only if you've got the green light from your physician, do we recommend red light therapy treatments. I will say that the opinions on this topic differ - some scientists think red light therapy can be harmful in the case of cancer, and some scientists think it's highly protective.

This is a post by Bart Wolbers of Lighttherapyinsiders. Bart finished degrees in Physical Therapy (B), Philosophy (BA and MA), Philosophy of Science and Technology (MS - with distinction), and Clinical Health Science (MS), has had training in functional medicine and is currently chief science writer.

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